Shadymaple Doodles
Cool Dogs For Cool People

We are located on Beautiful Vancouver Island, BC, Canada and our main focus is on producing quality mini and medium sized F2 and F3 Goldendoodles and Double Doodles. We no longer have F1 doodles and are scaling back our breeding program significantly with the intention of winding down to eventual retirement to allow more time for family and travel.
Our priority is for sound temperaments, great health, clear hips/eyes/cardiac testing, and as much as possible, non to low shedding coats. We believe that we have a responsibility to support the genetic health of this wonderful mix, and as such, each breeding is thought out with care to create a dog that will not only be an outstanding family pet but also an improvement on its ancestors with a healthy mind and body.
Not only are we one of Canada's first breeders of mini Goldendoodles, we are also proud to be one of only a small handful of breeders asked to contribute to the hardcover Goldendoodle Book, by Kathryn Lee.

In addition to raising wonderful family pets, we also make a point of donating a number of pups to service dog organizations each year. The majority of these dogs have passed the rigorous testing and training process and are now certified and working as service dogs.
We have a couple spaces for small medium boys going home the end of October.
Please enjoy browsing through our website, most questions can be answered on the FAQ page.
Thank you for supporting responsible breeding practices by purchasing from us or allowing us to refer you to another quality breeder.